Physical Therapy for Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.
What is Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction? The sacroiliac joint is a joint between the sacrum and the ilium, or pelvic bone. The 2 sides of...

Why Your Psoas Is The Most Vital Muscle in Your Body and How to Keep your Psoas Happy and Healthy.
The psoas muscle (pronounced SO-as) may be the most important muscle in your body. Without this essential muscle group you wouldn’t even...

Why Core Stabilization is More Important than Core Strength
What is the Core? When you hear the term “core,” abdominal muscles may immediately come to mind. However, the core actually comprises...

Study: Only 10% of Physician Visits for LBP Resulted in Physical Therapy Referrals 1997–2010 While O
In brief: Study analyzed data from 170 million visits to a primary care physician 1997–2010 Referrals for physical therapy occurred in...

Number of Americans Reporting Arthritis-Related Activity Limitations on the Rise
In brief: CDC estimates arthritis prevalence in the US, based on more than 100,000 responses to National Health Interview Survey,...

Study: Manual Therapy Works as Well, And Sometimes Better, Than Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
In brief: Study analyzed self-reported function and symptoms, pinch-tip grip, and cervical ROM among 100 women with CTS—half received...